Sunday, April 24, 2016

The Legend of the Candyman

Many ages ago the Candyman was once a black man who lived in the Days of Slavery, his name back then was Daniel Robitaille, he was a slave who work on a plantation in New Orleans. Daniel Robitaille was also a very talented artist and was chosen by the plantation's owner to paint the portrait of his beautiful daughter Caroline, but Daniel and Caroline fell in love and Caroline became pregnant. When the racist plantation owner discovered that Daniel and Caroline were in love he raised an angry mob to chase Daniel out of town. When the mob caught Daniel they cut off his right hand with a rusty saw. Then they covered him in honey and fed him to a huge swarm of bees. The Candyman was in terrible pain and he died from his injuries, but not before he cursed the men who killed him. Daniel Robitaille vowed to return and avenge himself. They say his ghost still walks the Earth and his severed hand was replaced with a bloody hook that he uses to kill his victims. He only appears when you call out his name ("Candyman") 5 times in a mirror, and when he comes he will be the last thing you'll ever see!

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